Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Life Christian Fellowhip

I visited New Life Christian Fellowship this Sunday (June 26th), which Ron Hunt pastors. They meet at 1310 Clegg Street (though you approach it from Rand Street). That's because they meet in a tastefully converted wharehouse (which many churches now do in this part of California given current real property prices.)

Interior - New Life
New Life began about 10 years ago as a chuch plant by Petaluma Christian Church for the Eastside of Petaluma. It currently has about 500 members (a large membership for Petaluma) who usually all attend its two services. It associates with what is often called the seeker-church movement (or the seeker-sensitive church). This movement promotes reaching the "unchurched," those who have do not regularly attend any church, by avoiding language and customs only familiar to regular church going christians, and aiming sermons at that audience (the unchurched) by focusing on principles to help with practical living (by Christians or non-Christians). (I do know those at New Life who have not previously associated with a church, or who left a church for enough time, so as to be considered "unchurched."

I find many at these churches who previously attended other churches, but who are disatisfied with most organized churches for one reason or another. I find they seem to serve a very useful function in attracting those who are otherwise unsatisfied by churches they previously atteneded, as well as those who are unsatisfied by the churches they currently attend. Though some criticize them as not going in depth in their sermons as other churches do, they tend to in their small group settings, which New Life tends to emphasize.

Overall, I like New Life Christian Fellowship, and have many dear friends there.

Update 1

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