Friday, November 18, 2011

Adobe Christian Center

I visited Adobe Christian Center this Sunday (November 13th) at 2875 Adobe Road. They average between 80-100 in attendance on any Sunday, with a mix of ages, though they seemed to have more young people than when I visited them last year.

Bill Funk is the lead pastor at Adobe. He's been there for many years, though I am not sure exactly how long. He is married to Wendy Funk, and they have two children, Tara and Austin.

Adobe affiliates with the Assemblies of God (AG) denomination. They form the world's largest Pentecostalists denominations, with approximately 57 to 60 million members worldwide. The AG has roots in the Pentecostal revivals of the early 20th Century, especially the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles which began in 1906 and continued through 1915. Pentecostals tend to emphasize the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tounges, prophecy, healings, and words of wisdom and words of knowledge, though the degree of emphasis can vary from congregation to congregation. They also tend to have very enthusiatic worship. They are closely related to charismatics. For many years, the AG ranked as the fastest growing American denomination, and still experiences rapid growth worldwide.

I enjoyed my visit with Adobe Christian Center.

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