Monday, March 7, 2011

First Presbyterian Church - Pastor

I attended First Presbyterian Church this Sunday March 6th. In this post, I am going to focus on their pastor, Rev. Dr. Dave Weidlich. Dave grew up in a family of 8 children in North Carolina. He also grew up in Michigan and Nebraska. Dave told us in his sermon that he used to visit his grandmother "nanny" in Pacific Palisades, and wished (prayed) he could live in California. Now he does.

Pastor Dave attended (and graduated from) the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago (my hometown). He also graduated from the University of Nebraska {BA in Philosophy} (so he is a Cornhusker), Denver Seminary {M. Div.} (evangelical with Baptists roots). and Fuller Theological Seminary {D. Div.} ("arguably the most influential by number of pastors and educators trained . . .")

I find a depth to Dave's sermons more than in others I hear. He puts a lot of study into them, and they reflect his background, balanced with a sense of humor and some good common sense.

Dave is the father of two children now in their teens, Daniel and Kimmy. He recently co-directed Tents of Hope Petaluma to raise awareness of the displaced in Darfur. He maintains a blog at:

1 comment:

  1. A belated, digital welcome to FPCP Rudy!
    I appreciate your partnership in the Gospel.
